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Marijuana prices in the U.S. as of 2017

The price of marijuana has long been a topic of conversation. The price of marijuana has been fluctuating significantly since individual states in the US began to legalize weed. Cannabis has been legal for everyone over 21 in eight states and for 29 years in medicine.

While the average price in the US for an ounce of high-quality cannabis flowers is currently $320, says, cannabis prices can vary by location. This website tracks marijuana prices based on buyers' feedback and does not separate black market prices from legal prices, but simply averages all the data received.

Pacific Region (Washington, Oregon, and California) The West Coast is perhaps the most advanced region in the United States when it comes to cannabis law and legalization. It has long been a proponent of legal cannabis. Medical marijuana has been legal in California since 1996 and Oregon was the first state to decriminalize marijuana in 1973. In fact, all three states voted to legalize cannabis use for people over the age of 21, with or without a condition. Doctor. Some of the best marijuana prices in the country can be found on the west coast.

Average flower prices: $ 231 / oz. high quality, or $ 194 / ounce. mediocre epidemic
Washington ranges from $ 233 to $ 191
Oregon is the lowest in the nation with a range of $ 210 to $ 187
California ounces range from $ 249 to $ 204

Rocky Mountain Region (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, and Colorado) Although this region now includes two states, Colorado and Nevada, which allow recreational use for people over the age of 21, the laws of other states regarding cannabis vary considerably. Idaho has some of the strictest cannabis laws in the nation. This dynamic explains why the Rocky Mountain region ranks second among the lowest cannabis prices. With the unexpected demand for cannabis since the start of the leisure market on July 1stIn Nevada, silver prices skyrocketed, with eighths of a flower selling more than $ 60 to $ 80 each. On the other hand, many pharmacies in Denver now offer ounces of sprout for less than $ 100, and the ounce of smoothie costs around $ 45. Wyoming has the highest prices in the region, with ounces over $ 300 regardless of quality.

Average flower prices: $ 276 / oz. high quality or $ 249 / ounce. for an outbreak of mediocre quality
The average in Colorado is between $ 242 and $ 200. However, a quick look at the WeedMaps offerings shows that many pharmacies offer ounces for $ 100 or less.
Average values ​​in Nevada rise from $ 270 to $ 235. With the declared state of emergency, Nevada hopes to soon pass news laws to keep up with demand, which may translate into lower prices over time.
Montana ounces range from $ 269 to $ 243.

Idaho cannabis remains reasonable despite the current stringent laws that range between $276 and $245.

In Utah, CBD oils are only approved for epilepsy, but all other forms of cannabis remain illegal. Their prices range from $283 to $248 an ounce on the black market.

Wyoming receives the price of the most expensive in the Rocky Mountains, ranging from $ 317 for high-quality cannabis to $322 for medium quality.

Southwest Region (Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas) Although Arizona had legal recreational marijuana in the poll last year, it was the only marijuana initiative in the nation that was not approved by voters in the 2016 elections. Medical marijuana programs exist in both Arizona and New Mexico, while only low-THC oils with strict restrictions are permitted in Texas and Oklahoma. The proximity to Colorado naturally also helps to keep prices down in neighboring countries.

Average flower prices: $314 / oz. high quality, or $242 / ounce. for an outbreak of mediocre quality
New Mexico takes the lead in the southwest with ounce prices between $ 284 and $ 228.
Of course, Arizona is in second place with a range of $ 284 to $ 28$ 228.
Texas ranks third with prices ranging from $327 to $242.

Oklahoma rounds off the latter from $347 to $264 and is an open horror for the legal industry in Colorado.

Southeastern Region (Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida) The largest region in the United States includes fourteen states, only two of which allow medical access to cannabis. Arkansas and Florida passed medical marijuana laws last year. In all other southeastern states, however, CBD oils are only permitted under certain circumstances. All data collected by PriceofWeed in this region is based on black market products.

Average flower prices: $344 / oz. high quality, or $242 / ounce. for an outbreak of mediocre quality
Virginia ranks first for the most expensive jewel with a range of $367 an ounce for high-quality flowers at $ 311 for average quality.

In contrast, Florida has the lowest price for flowers in the southeast with an ounce between $ 299 and $ 226.

Interestingly, the lowest total price in the southeast is Mississippi with an average price of $166 an ounce for medium-quality marijuana.

Midwest Region (North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Kansas, Missouri) If Southeast occupies the region with the least number of medical states, the Midwest wins the regional prize with the most illegal states. Five states, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Wisconsin, and Indiana, have no laws under any circumstances to legalize any form of marijuana. In fact, South Dakota still has mandatory minimum requirements for marijuana offenses. North Dakota, Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois have medical programs. Despite the risks of marijuana in the Midwest, where there is a will, there is away.

Average flower prices: $342 / oz. high quality or $280 / oz. for an outbreak of mediocre quality
with a medical access program, Michigan has the lowest prices in the Midwest with an average price per ounce of around $ 280.

Ironically, Indiana, with strict marijuana laws, has the lowest Midwest weed prices in the Midwest at $233 an ounce.

Northeastern Region (Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Rhode Island, District of Columbia) The Northeast has an interesting dynamic of two state law and the District of Columbia laws that allow adult use. All other states have some kind of medical program.

Average flower prices: $362 / oz. high quality or $301 / oz. for an outbreak of mediocre quality
This average is partially skewed as the District of Columbia currently holds the record for the most expensive flower in the United States and averages $550 an ounce. Without DC, the northeast would be directly behind the southwest region.

The lowest prices in the northeast were found in Maine with a range of $298 to $235 per ounce.

Outliers (Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico) All three states and peripheral regions allow marijuana at least in some ways. Alaska is completely legal for anyone over the age of 21.

Average flower prices: $317 / oz. high quality or $249 / ounce. for an outbreak of mediocre quality
As laws continue to change in the United States, marijuana prices will suffer. Greater legalization will begin to balance supply and demand and lower prices. Only time will tell what the Trump administration plans to do with legalizing marijuana. While the Senate sent Jeff Sessions to support Rohrbacher's amendment and prevent the Department of Justice from attacking the medical industry, the leisure side of the industry is still awaiting its fate in the ministry's final report. of justice. that should appear earlier this week.


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